With age always around the corner, fighting wrinkles and fine lines can feel like an uphill battle. Fortunately, there are more options than ever before when it comes to looking your best, one of them being dermal fillers. Dermal fillers can offer excellent benefits with minimal effort, but many people often worry about how long their results will last.
Here at Beauty Co. in Raleigh, NC, we understand the need to maximize the effects of your beauty routine, so we take great care in helping you find the right fit for your needs. That’s why we’re explaining – in depth – how long dermal filler results can last, giving you total confidence knowing that you are in good hands.
What Are Dermal Fillers?
Have you ever wondered what dermal fillers are? Dermal fillers, or cosmetic fillers, are substances injected beneath the skin’s surface to reduce wrinkles and improve one’s appearance. They help restore volume to different areas of the face and smooth out fine lines. While dermal fillers should not be used in place of a good skincare regimen, they can be a great way to give you an extra boost of confidence in your skin.
Dermal fillers are made from various substances, including hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and polyalkylimide. Depending upon the ingredients used, dermal fillers can improve the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face or offer contours for lifted facial features such as cheeks or lips.
What Do Dermal Fillers Do For The Skin?
Dermal fillers, also known as cosmetic fillers, can address a wide range of aesthetic concerns related to aging. From volumizing thin lips, enhancing contours, and softening wrinkles and fine lines, dermal fillers are an excellent way for those with early signs of aging to give skin a more youthful look and feel. Additionally, dermal fillers also serve as a practical value-added part of facial rejuvenation surgery, helping to create smoother, healthier-looking skin.
What Are The Different Types Of Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers have become increasingly popular for restoring youthful appeal and freshness to one’s face. These dermal fillers may be used to reduce lines, wrinkles, and creases or to volumize and enhance areas such as the lip, cheekbones, jawline, or under the eyes. There are many different dermal fillers that all work differently depending on the desired outcome.
Common dermal filler types include hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, which contain natural sugars that break down over time for gradual results; calcium hydroxyapatite-based dermal fillers for structure and volume; poly-L lactic acid dermal fillers for stimulating collagen buildup; and other fat-derived dermal filler products that add subtle shaping, unlike other stronger dermal fillers.
Depending on which type of dermal filler is chosen and the area being treated, any augmentation can be achieved with prolonged effects lasting six months up to several years.
How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?
Dermal fillers are a safe and popular way to improve the appearance of our skin, refresh the face, and add youthful volume. Most dermal fillers offer results lasting nine months up to two years or possibly even longer. Additionally, it’s essential to understand that dermal fillers may require more than one session to achieve the desired effect.
What Are Factors That Can Affect The Longevity Of Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are popular for those looking for non-invasive, fast, and effective facial rejuvenation. But a common question is: how long do dermal fillers last? The answer depends on a variety of factors.
Age is an essential factor in dermal filler longevity – generally speaking, dermal fillers don’t last as long in older skin which has lost elasticity and collagen over time. Also, when dermal filler treatments are performed too often or in higher doses than necessary, they may break down faster.
Lifestyle is also a factor in your dermal filler’s longevity. For example, if you’re a smoker or enjoy spending time in the sun, these activities will affect the speed at which dermal fillers break down.
Apart from personal suitability and budget, dermal fillers may not have the same longevity for everyone. In fact, several factors can affect the longevity of dermal fillers, including skin health, age-related volume loss, metabolic rate, lifestyle habits, and interactions with certain medications.
The longevity of dermal fillers varies and can be affected by several factors, including the type of dermal filler used. Dermal fillers made from a durable material such as calcium-based hyaluronic acid generally last longer than those made from other materials.
How Can You Get Started With Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, as well as add volume to the face. If you’d like to explore dermal fillers as an anti-aging option, the first step is to book a consultation with us. During this visit, your skin will be assessed by us, and they can recommend dermal fillers that would work best for you.
This visit is also an opportunity for you to express any questions or concerns about dermal fillers and get them addressed in full. With dermal fillers, you must feel confident in what results you can expect, so taking these extra steps upfront will ensure a positive outcome for everyone involved.
Get Started With Dermal Fillers Today
At Beauty Co. in Raleigh, NC, we provide dermal fillers to help you achieve the desired effects you are seeking for your skin. Depending on your area of concern and desired results, we can recommend the best type of dermal fillers for you. We offer a wide range of dermal fillers and specialize in treatments that provide subtle, natural-looking results. Reach out to us today for a consultation and start taking steps toward getting the radiant skin you desire!