Is Kybella Permanent?

Are you happy with the way your profile looks? Do you love the brisk days in The Triangle where you can wear a cute turtleneck or scarf, but you feel like you look overweight due to the excess fat under your chin? At Beauty Co. in Raleigh, NC, we are passionate about helping clients enhance their natural beauty and restore their self-confidence. Today, we answer a few of our most commonly asked questions “is Kybella permanent?”, including if the results are permanent.

Is Kybella Permanent?

Kybella is an injectable prescription medication that the FDA has approved to enhance the profile of individuals concerned with submental fullness. Each injection is comprised of 10 milligrams of deoxycholic acid per milliliter of fluid.

Submental fullness, known colloquially as a “double chin” can affect anyone with any body fat percentage. Men and women alike suffer from this condition. It can be attributed to weight gain, genetics or aging. If you have maintained a healthy weight your entire life and are just noticing excess fat under your chin, Kybella may be the only treatment that makes sense for you.

Is this treatment permanent? Technically, the results of treatment are permanent because the deoxycholic acid “eats” the fat cells in the treatment site. Once those fat cells are gone, no new fat cells can grow and take their place. However, this treatment does not eliminate all fat cells in your chin and neck. Therefore, if you gain a significant amount of weight in the future, you may notice your remaining chin fat cells expand. The treatment itself is permanent, but you can undo the results with poor habits later.

All About Treatment

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

The number of treatments required to achieve a certain aesthetic varies from client to client. However, most of our clients benefit the most from three to six treatments spaced at least a month apart. During your initial consultation, Kelly Gibbs will examine your chin and neck and aesthetic goals to determine how many treatments you should expect to need.

What Can I Expect After Treatment?

There are no risks associated with this treatment. There is also no recovery time. Simply come in for a 15- to 20-minute treatment session and get back to your day. One of the great things about Kybella is that the deoxycholic acid starts working immediately upon injection. However, visible results will improve gradually over the course of four to six weeks.

What Do I Need To Avoid Before Treatment?

During the 48 hours leading up to your treatment, avoid niacin supplements, caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes. These can elevate your blood pressure. For the same reason, you should also avoid spicy foods, refined carbohydrates, foods high in sugar, and foods high in sodium. Avoid Retin-A for the three days leading up to your treatment.

If you have previously had certain cosmetic treatments performed, like microdermabrasion, facials, ultrasound treatments or laser treatments, wait at least two weeks before you have Botox performed. Seven days before your treatment, stop taking any supplements or medications that can thin your blood, such as cod liver oil supplements, vitamin A, vitamin E, gingko biloba, flax oil and garlic.

What Do I Need To Do After Treatment?

There are only a few special after-care steps you have to complete. First, take special care to not manipulate the treatment site in any way, such as by rubbing, massaging, pressing or touching. Sleep on your back with your head elevated for the first five days following your treatment. For the first five days following your treatment session, you should avoid vigorous exercise, heat exposure and sun exposure. Consume plenty of hydrating foods and beverages, like water, cucumbers, watermelon and tomatoes. Soup is another great way to stay hydrated.

For the first two days after your treatment, avoid anything that could elevate your blood pressure. This includes excessive sodium, sugar and overly processed carbs, as well as alcohol, tobacco products and caffeine. During your initial consultation, we will help you schedule other aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers and Botox, to ensure you get the best results from each treatment.

Am I A Good Candidate For This Treatment?

One of the great things about this treatment is it is right for nearly everyone. If you are at least 18 years of age, are concerned by the appearance of submental fullness and do not have an active infection in the treatment area, you’re probably a good candidate.

However, during your initial consultation, you should advise us of any medications or supplements you are currently taking. For example, we need to know about any medicine that stops your blood from clotting, like an anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication.

Achieve Your Aesthetic Goals With Us

Kelly Gibbs, RN, BSN, CANS has proudly served the medical field as a registered nurse for many years. For the past decade, she has served as an Advanced Injector. Nationally recognized on the Top 100 Best Aesthetic Injectors in America list, she has also been named a National Trainer and Speaker by Allegran Medical Institute. If you’re looking to enhance your natural beauty, you truly couldn’t be in better hands.

Are you bothered by the appearance of submental fullness? If so, Kybella could be right for you. To learn more about this treatment, call Beauty Co. in Raleigh, NC today to schedule your initial consultation. Regardless of your aesthetic goals, we have a safe, effective treatment plan for you.



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