Subnovii Plasma Pen in Raleigh, NC

Subnovii Plasma Pen in Raleigh, NC, effectively takes advantage of the fine layer of ionized gas, or plasma, that exists along the surface of your skin. Plasma devices emit energy that instantly sublimates a precise spot on the skin area. A sealed wound is created, and shock is delivered to the tissue below to stimulate fibroblast activity which stimulates collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. The tip of the plasma device never actually touches the skin, but it’s the power of molecular physics that gives this treatment its magic.

As we age, our skin becomes thinner, and less collagen is produced, resulting in fine lines, wrinkles and creping of the skin tightening in Raleigh, NC. These changes in our skin can seem impossible to control, but the Subnovii Plasma Pen is a non-surgical treatment that can significantly tighten, lift, resurface, and regenerate almost any area of the skin.

As we age, our skin becomes thinner and less collagen is produced resulting in fine lines, wrinkles and creping of the skin. These changes in our skin can seem impossible to control but the Subnovii Plasma Pen is a non-surgical treatment that can significantly tighten, lift, resurface, and regenerate almost any area of the skin.

This amazing, non-surgical cosmetic rejuvenation treatment reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while diminishing scars and blemishes.

Subnovii plasma device features an ergonomic design and is constructed from fiberglass strengthened plastic and aluminum — the same materials used by NASA and Airbus.

Because of Subnovii’s controlled output, practitioners can vary the techniques used from lighter to more aggressive treatments depending on the patient’s goals and the targeted area.

Not all plasma pens are the same.  Subnovii plasma pen is highly controlled, low frequency emission means treatments are more precise and predictable and healing time is reduced for the patient. This plasma technology specification is important for the tough to treat areas around the mouth and eyes.

Call for pricing, spot treating available

Starting at $500

Subnovii Plasma Pen Results

Areas you can treat with Subnovii

90-minute treatment

75-minute treatment

90-minute treatment

90-minute treatment

90-minute treatment

30-minute treatment

45-minute treatment

60-minute treatment


The length of the procedure will depend on the area you are treating (30-90 minutes).

Every patient will receive specially formulated post-care products and instructions to keep the area dry to help heal. It is important to use sun protection long after treatment.

Results can be seen immediately after the treatment and beyond. You will see continued improvements for up to 6 months after your Subnovii procedure.

Talk to your provider about whether a treatment with Subnovii is right for you. Some skin types may be at risk of post-procedure pigmentation issues, so it’s important to consult with our licensed aesthetic providers.

Because the plasma device creates an instant wound on the skin, small scabs will form that can take 5-10 days to fall off. The scabs are a natural and protective barrier to the magic taking place below. Because the treatment area is immediately sealed, there is a very low risk of side effects but the skin may feel tight and itchy as the area heals. Once the scabs fall off, the skin beneath may look pink. This is renewed skin and any redness should progressively fade.

Pre-Treatment Guideline

  • We recommend you avoid sun-tanning, spray-tanning, tanning injections, and sunbeds for 4 to 6 weeks before your treatment. Ideally, we recommend using SPF40 to prep your skin for 2 to 4 weeks before your treatment.
  • You may even wish to consider a Pre-Treatment product using a Tyrosinase Inhibitor as this can help prevent the enzyme “Tyrosinase” from misfiring or over-oxidizing the Tyrosine and thus helps ensure there is no overproduction of pigment in the skin. Tyrosinase Inhibitors are not just useful for those who suffer from hyperpigmentation but for all clients – even those with healthy, even skin.
  • Avoid any other type of procedures for 3-4 weeks on the same area which you intend to have treated with the Subnovii Plasma Pen, such as laser therapy, chemical peels, or Botox/fillers, as this may prevent your treatment being performed by your technician at the time you want it.
  • Discontinue any use of topical Retin-A products a minimum of 4 days prior to treatment.
  • Remove contact lenses and any eyelash extensions prior to treatment for around the eyes

Post-Treatment Guideline

You may not look your absolute best during the initial healing process (usually 3 to 7 days)

  • We recommend NOT exercising straight after treatment because any heat, steam, or sweat could add to the inflammation that’s already present. Ideally, you want to avoid excessive sweating for 5-7 days during the healing process.
  • We recommend the only product you should use after treatment and during the 5-7 day healing process is the Recovery Cream and Recovery Powder. You may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation with the application of Recovery Cream and this will subside within a very short time. This is to be expected depending on your skin sensitivity and is caused by the healing ingredients intentionally formulated in the Recovery Cream/ Recovery Powder.
  • Clients may find waiving a book or magazine or using a small handheld fan after application of Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder will be comforting in the event they experience any uncomfortable tingling or stinging sensation.
  • We recommend you do not wear makeup in the area treated during the 5-7 day healing process because the application and/or removal of makeup could prematurely disrupt the scabs before they are ready to flake off.
  • We recommend all clients apply small amounts of our Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder 2x per day (morning and evening) to soothe inflamed skin and heal it fast. It also provides relief from possible itching and helps
    expedite a scar-free healing process. Clients must use the Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder post-treatment. The alternative of leaving a scab to continually dry out naturally without the Factor Five can mean that the
    healing process takes longer and the longer the healing process then the greater the chance of scarring.
  • There may be some mild to moderate swelling to the area(s) treated, especially around the eyes and within the periorbital region then moderate to excessive swelling is expected and common.
  • Swelling and inflammation for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal. If swelling lasts beyond the 5 days, contact your treatment provider.
  • We recommend that you do not apply cold packs or ice packs during the swelling period. Icing will diminish the outcome and inhibit the inflammation process that we want to happen naturally. Applying cold or ice packs on the skin could interfere with the mechanism of action performed by the device and the skin’s natural heat and healing process to achieve the desired result. Swelling is a minor inconvenience to achieve the desired outcome.
  • If possible, we recommend you take a high dose of Vitamin C supplements throughout the healing process as this will help give your immune system a big boost. In turn, this helps you to repair and also helps avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • You may experience a “stinging” sensation in the treated area(s) immediately after treatment. This is normal and is simply the heat exiting the skin. It generally only lasts for about an hour or so.
  • Facial areas that have been treated must NOT be covered with bandages, occlusive dressing, or any type of make-up, mascara, creams or any other product until the area has fully healed (outside of specific products we recommend, and which should be available from your technician). Areas of the body may need to be covered depending on the treatment and the area.
  • If you have received facial treatment, we recommend you sleep on your back with your head elevated to minimize swelling. If you have received treatment to your eye area then it is important you sleep slightly elevated for up to 7 days as this can greatly reduce swelling.
  • It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a Plasma Pen treatment as the wound we cause is not open. However, the first 12 hours post-treatment is of vital importance in protecting you from any kind of potential infection so please avoid any activities where you could expose yourself to contaminants.

It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry.
Occasional weeping will settle
Tiny crusts will quickly form on the treated area. These may be visible for up to about a week.

  • Do NOT pick crusts off as this will delay the healing process and could cause scarring.
  • The area(s) treated may be cleansed daily with lukewarm water and a soft, lint-free cloth. You are only removing excess oil and do not need to thoroughly cleanse the treated skin. Do NOT be tempted to rub or brush the area to aid in the removal of the crusts. Pat dry with a clean tissue.
  • We advise you not to stand with your face under a hot shower or direct water from the shower head for the first 3 to 4 days. This could increase swelling. Try to avoid shower gels or hair products running onto your face as this could cause irritation. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water if products do come into contact with the area(s) treated and gently pat dry.
  • Outside of using the Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder please do NOT apply any other lotions or creams unless your practitioner has specifically advised you to do so. Absolutely do NOT use any lotions or creams that contain
    perfume, alcohol, or acids. The area must be kept free of oil to help the crusts form and then fall off of the skin naturally. Do NOT rub or abrade the area(s) or use exfoliating products. This could result in scarring and/or pigmentation.
  • Shaving in the area treated should be avoided until it is fully healed.
  • If you have had treatment around your eyes, you should avoid wearing contact lenses for 72 hours after your treatment.
  • When the crusts have fallen off then your skin may be a little pink as it is fresh, new, and rejuvenated baby skin. This pinkness will fade over time in as little as 2 weeks up to a few months. In rare cases, it may take up to 6 months.
  • Once the crusts have all fallen off you may apply your normal foundation/make-up but avoid using skincare products containing Glycolic or any other active exfoliating ingredients as this will cause irritation.
  • Continue to use Factor Five serum morning and night. Your Plasma Pen technician can offer you a 30-day supply of 1oz bottle.
  • You absolutely MUST now begin to apply SPF40 while your skin is in the healing stages (pink in color) and you should continue to do so for at least the next 12 weeks (and ideally longer).
  • The area(s) treated have produced brand new skin and may burn and/or pigment without adequate protection from the sun.
    ● SPF40 should be worn whether you are outside, in and out of your vehicle, or driving as well as if you are staying indoors. Even indoor lighting can cause the risk of pigmentation on new healing skin.
    ● You absolutely must NOT use saunas or sunbeds during your 10 –12 week healing period and ideally for longer. Avoid the midday sun.
    ● All other facial treatments on the same area should be avoided while your skin is healing.
    ● Use of topical Retin A products should be avoided for 3 weeks (OTC products) to 4 weeks (prescription strength).

You may not look your absolute best during the initial healing process (usually 3 to 7 days)

  • We recommend NOT exercising straight after treatment because any heat, steam, or sweat could add to the inflammation that’s already present. Ideally, you want to avoid excessive sweating for 5-7 days during the healing process.
  • We recommend the only product you should use after treatment and during the 5-7 day healing process is the Recovery Cream and Recovery Powder. You may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation with the application of Recovery Cream and this will subside within a very short time. This is to be expected depending on your skin sensitivity and is caused by the healing ingredients intentionally formulated in the Recovery Cream/ Recovery Powder.
  • Clients may find waiving a book or magazine or using a small handheld fan after application of Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder will be comforting in the event they experience any uncomfortable tingling or stinging sensation.
  • We recommend you do not wear makeup in the area treated during the 5-7 day healing process because the application and/or removal of makeup could prematurely disrupt the scabs before they are ready to flake off.
  • We recommend all clients apply small amounts of our Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder 2x per day (morning and evening) to soothe inflamed skin and heal it fast. It also provides relief from possible itching and helps
    expedite a scar-free healing process. Clients must use the Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder post-treatment. The alternative of leaving a scab to continually dry out naturally without the Factor Five can mean that the
    healing process takes longer and the longer the healing process then the greater the chance of scarring.
  • There may be some mild to moderate swelling to the area(s) treated, especially around the eyes and within the periorbital region then moderate to excessive swelling is expected and common.
  • Swelling and inflammation for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal. If swelling lasts beyond the 5 days, contact your treatment provider.
  • We recommend that you do not apply cold packs or ice packs during the swelling period. Icing will diminish the outcome and inhibit the inflammation process that we want to happen naturally. Applying cold or ice packs on the skin could interfere with the mechanism of action performed by the device and the skin’s natural heat and healing process to achieve the desired result. Swelling is a minor inconvenience to achieve the desired outcome.
  • If possible, we recommend you take a high dose of Vitamin C supplements throughout the healing process as this will help give your immune system a big boost. In turn, this helps you to repair and also helps avoid hyperpigmentation.
  • You may experience a “stinging” sensation in the treated area(s) immediately after treatment. This is normal and is simply the heat exiting the skin. It generally only lasts for about an hour or so.
  • Facial areas that have been treated must NOT be covered with bandages, occlusive dressing, or any type of make-up, mascara, creams or any other product until the area has fully healed (outside of specific products we recommend, and which should be available from your technician). Areas of the body may need to be covered depending on the treatment and the area.
  • If you have received facial treatment, we recommend you sleep on your back with your head elevated to minimize swelling. If you have received treatment to your eye area then it is important you sleep slightly elevated for up to 7 days as this can greatly reduce swelling.
  • It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a Plasma Pen treatment as the wound we cause is not open. However, the first 12 hours post-treatment is of vital importance in protecting you from any kind of potential infection so please avoid any activities where you could expose yourself to contaminants.

It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry.
Occasional weeping will settle
Tiny crusts will quickly form on the treated area. These may be visible for up to about a week.

  • Do NOT pick crusts off as this will delay the healing process and could cause scarring.
  • The area(s) treated may be cleansed daily with lukewarm water and a soft, lint-free cloth. You are only removing excess oil and do not need to thoroughly cleanse the treated skin. Do NOT be tempted to rub or brush the area to aid in the removal of the crusts. Pat dry with a clean tissue.
  • We advise you not to stand with your face under a hot shower or direct water from the shower head for the first 3 to 4 days. This could increase swelling. Try to avoid shower gels or hair products running onto your face as this could cause irritation. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water if products do come into contact with the area(s) treated and gently pat dry.
  • Outside of using the Recovery Cream/Recovery Powder please do NOT apply any other lotions or creams unless your practitioner has specifically advised you to do so. Absolutely do NOT use any lotions or creams that contain
    perfume, alcohol, or acids. The area must be kept free of oil to help the crusts form and then fall off of the skin naturally. Do NOT rub or abrade the area(s) or use exfoliating products. This could result in scarring and/or pigmentation.
  • Shaving in the area treated should be avoided until it is fully healed.
  • If you have had treatment around your eyes, you should avoid wearing contact lenses for 72 hours after your treatment.
  • When the crusts have fallen off then your skin may be a little pink as it is fresh, new, and rejuvenated baby skin. This pinkness will fade over time in as little as 2 weeks up to a few months. In rare cases, it may take up to 6 months.
  • Once the crusts have all fallen off you may apply your normal foundation/make-up but avoid using skincare products containing Glycolic or any other active exfoliating ingredients as this will cause irritation.
  • Continue to use Factor Five serum morning and night. Your Plasma Pen technician can offer you a 30-day supply of 1oz bottle.
  • You absolutely MUST now begin to apply SPF40 while your skin is in the healing stages (pink in color) and you should continue to do so for at least the next 12 weeks (and ideally longer).
  • The area(s) treated have produced brand new skin and may burn and/or pigment without adequate protection from the sun.
    ● SPF40 should be worn whether you are outside, in and out of your vehicle, or driving as well as if you are staying indoors. Even indoor lighting can cause the risk of pigmentation on new healing skin.
    ● You absolutely must NOT use saunas or sunbeds during your 10 –12 week healing period and ideally for longer. Avoid the midday sun.
    ● All other facial treatments on the same area should be avoided while your skin is healing.
    ● Use of topical Retin A products should be avoided for 3 weeks (OTC products) to 4 weeks (prescription strength).


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