
8 Symptoms Of Low Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency is an unfortunately common condition in America. At Beauty Co. in Raleigh, NC, we offer B12 shots to combat B12 deficiency and improve the quality of life of our clients. Today, we’re talking about eight symptoms of low vitamin B12 levels to help you determine if B12 injections are right for you.

8 Symptoms Of B12 Deficiency

1. Unexplained Weight Loss

One of the most common signs of B12 deficiency is unexplained weight loss. When you don’t have enough B12 in your system, your appetite can become nearly non-existent. While some people eat three meals per day, drink juice and soda and don’t experience weight loss, others are tuned into their bodies and don’t eat when they’re not hungry. If you are losing weight without trying to, you may have a B12 deficiency.

2. Fatigue

Another sign of B12 deficiency is feeling chronically fatigued. There are several potential causes of fatigue, including chronic sleep deprivation and megaloblastic anemia. Essentially, you may feel fatigued because you don’t have enough B12 to produce enough red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout your body. When your muscles are starved of oxygen, you feel weak and tired, even after a night of quality sleep.

3. Megaloblastic Anemia

Yet another sign that you may need B12 shots to correct B12 deficiency is being diagnosed with megaloblastic anemia. Like different people experience B12 deficiency differently, people experience different megaloblastic anemia symptoms. Signs you may have megaloblastic anemia include diarrhea, nausea, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet and abnormally pale skin.

4. Changes In Mobility

You may also suffer from B12 deficiency if you are experiencing sudden changes in mobility. For example, you may fall far more often than you did when you were younger. A sudden, unexplained, drastic change to your balance or coordination can probably be explained by months or years of undiagnosed B12 deficiency damaging your nervous system slowly.

5. Dizziness And Breathlessness

B12 deficiency may explain why you experience dizziness and breathlessness regularly. It’s not uncommon to feel dizzy or out of breath after a long, dehydrating workout. If you feel dizzy and out of breath just getting out of bed, you may have low levels of B12 in your blood.

Remember, B12 allows your body to produce healthy blood cells to transport oxygen throughout your body efficiently. There are many potential symptoms of oxygen deprivation but two of the most common are dizziness and breathlessness. Other common symptoms include confusion, rapid breathing and sweating.

6. Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is yet another sign that you may suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency. A lack of vitamin B12 can cause nervous system damage that can manifest itself in several ways.

Among the most common manifestations of nervous system damage are blurry vision (damage to the optic nerve) and feeling pins and needles in your hands and feet. If you have developed blurry vision and feel pins and needles in your extremities, it is very likely you are B12-deficient.

7. Changes In Your Mood

Mood swings are often associated with perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause because as you age your serum hormone levels become imbalanced. Nevertheless, B12 deficiency may be to blame if you are experiencing changes in your mood as you age. Vitamin B12 keeps the level of homocysteine in your blood in check.

When levels of this amino acid increase drastically, brain tissue damage can occur and signals to and from your brain may not be transmitted efficiently. This means that receptors in your brain may not receive the neurotransmitters that make you feel happy. If you are receiving hormone therapy and have major depressive disorder or another mood disorder, have your serum B12 levels checked.

8. Changes In Temperature

Sometimes, low levels of B12 can result in your regular temperature being elevated. If you have a “constant fever,” even when you’re not sick, there is a good chance that you don’t have enough B12. If you’re not sure if you’re sick, don’t hesitate to reach out to your primary care physician and discuss any symptoms besides a fever that are worrying you.

How Much B12 Do I Need?

How much B12 you need depends, primarily, on your age. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is 2.4 micrograms but pregnant women need 2.6 micrograms of B12 and women who are breastfeeding need at least 2.8 micrograms of B12 daily. Seniors often need to supplement their B12 intake with shots because they develop medical conditions that make them more susceptible to deficiency.

Can’t I Just Get That From My Diet?

Unfortunately, if you are deficient in B12, you can’t just eat more fruits, vegetables and fortified cereals. Only five to 15% of the micronutrients you consume are absorbed by your body because they have to pass through your gut. You need B12 shots so your body actually gets the full dose of the micronutrient.

Restore Your Health With B12 Shots Today

Everyone experiences folate deficiency differently but the most common symptoms are unexplained weight loss, fatigue and megaloblastic anemia. To find out if B12 shots are right for you, schedule a virtual consultation with one of our licensed professionals at Beauty Co. in Raleigh, NC now.

*On the authority of Dr. John Myers, the inventor of the “Myers Cocktail,” and Healthline, do not use IV therapy or micronutrient shots to replace health checkups, medical treatment or medical advice from your PCP or healthcare specialist.  



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